School Categories: Cypress Fairbanks ISD and Elementary Schools
Andre’ Elementary School
Andre’ Elementary School is located in Cypress Fairbanks ISD and serves the Cypress area in northwest Harris County in the 77433 zip code. The school’s full name is Woodie Coker Andre’ Elementary. It was opened in 2006. Andre’ Elementary is located in the Canyon Lakes West subdivision. It is situated at the intersection of Fry Rd and Longenbaugh Rd.
About Woodie Coker Andre’
According to the Cypress Fairbanks Independent School District website Woodie Coker Andre’ Elementary was named after she spent 26 of the last 33 years in education in the Cypress-Fairbanks ISD area. Woodie Coker Andre’ started her career in Cy-Fair ISD at Bane and Moore Elementary. She was also a team leader before becoming a principal at Lowery Elementary. She retired in 2004 from Fiest Elementary where she severed as principal for 15 years.
Neighborhoods Zoned to Andre’ Elementary School
Neighborhoods zoned or near Andre’ Elementary are Canyon Lakes West and Cypress Springs.
Andre’ Elementary School Information Provided by Houston Prime Realty
Houston Prime Realty has compiled the Andre’ Elementary contact information, with photos, maps, and links to school ratings and student and staff stats for Andre’ Elementary. Houston Prime Realty serves the Cypress Texas area and can help home buyers and home sellers to purchase and sell properties near Adam Elementary School in Cypress Texas. Please Contact Us if you need an experienced Cypress REALTOR and Cypress real estate agent.
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Click Link View the school stats and ratings: See Woodie Coker Andre’ Elementary School Stats and Ratings Here
You can also view a complete Directory of Cy-Fair ISD schools compiled by the staff of Houston Prime Realty.
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