Sellers and Listing Agents Benefit from Centralized Showing Service
Top rated Houston real estate agents use Centralized Showing Service to better service their listings and improve their efficiency in serving buyers. Centralized Showing Service is commonly known as CSS. It provides Houston real estate listing agents a way to outsource their appointment scheduling and feedback systems on their real estate listings. Buyer agents call the CSS contact number to schedule showings on a subscriber’s listings. CSS logs all real estate agents that show a listing agent’s listing, schedules the appointments with the home sellers, provides access information to she showing agent, and requests and processes feedback on the listings from the showing agents. This can be a huge time saver for the listing agent. It also provides more security and better feedback to home sellers.
Buyers and Buyer Agents Benefit from Centralized Showing Service
Buyer Agents benefit by being able to schedule multiple listing appointments by calling a single phone number or logging in to the Centralized Showing Service website. If a buyer agent needs to schedule multiple showing appointments, it sometimes necessary to call multiple different real estate listing agents to schedule the home showings if the listing agents do not use Centralized Showing Service. Many of these same listing agents who do not use CSS do not answer their phones and do not promptly return your calls for showing requests, which results in their listings not being shown to potential buyers. As more listing agents use CSS, the time savings for Houston buyer agents increases dramatically.
The main reason listing agents choose not to use the service is because of the added cost of the service. At Houston Prime Realty, we have tried several different showing services. Centralized Showing Service is not the cheapest provider, but has been the highest quality most reliable showing service we have utilized. That is why top Houston real estate agents like Kevan Pewitt and Houston Prime Realty use Centralized Showing Service.
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